select a box region on figure
09:26 / Comments (0) / by sswidl
---- Module:
---- From: $SSW/gen/idl/display
; Outputs :
; MX, MY = Size of selected box, in device coordinates.
; IX, IY = Coordinates of lower left-hand corner of selected box.
; Keywords :
; DATA = If this keyword is set, then the values are in returned in
; data coordinates instead of device coordinates.
; The following keywords are only relevant when used on a graphics device
; that supports windows:
; INIT = If this keyword is set, MX, MY, and IX, IY contain the
; initial parameters for the box.
; FIXED_SIZE = If this keyword is set, MX and MY contain the initial size
; of the box. This size may not be changed by the user.
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Get Back the Old Google Image Search with a URL Hack
04:25 / Comments (0) / by sswidl
If you're not happy with the new Google Image search and would prefer to stick with the old search as your default, reader The_Doc offers this simple URL tweak.
The new Google Image search has a Switch to basic version link at the bottom of the page, but it doesn't stick, so if you prefer the old view, you'll have to scroll all the way down there every time.
Here is the workaround:
If you don't like the new Google Image Search design, add:
to the URL to use the the "basic" (i.e. old) version. Update your bookmarked keyword searches accordingly.
So, for example:
...would become:
(via lifehacker)
If you're using Chrome, you may set up a customized Search Engines (right click address bar => Edit Search Engines). Type in the following string in URL row:
Like this:
Posted in: google, image search
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vso_search & vso_get to get SDO (AIA, HMI) and SOHO (EIT, MDI) data
14:02 / Comments (0) / by sswidl
first of all, vso branch is located at $SSW/gen/idl/interfaces/vso
so you could use vso routines in a straight way - i.e. you don't need to have vso included in your SSW instrument list ($SSW_INSTR) or set vso in SETSSW command
2. Examples:
; Syntax : IDL> a = vso_search(date, instrument)
; Some useful examples:
IDL> a = vso_search('2005-JAN-01', instrument='eit')
;search EIT data on 2005-JAN-01
IDL> a = vso_search(date='2002-1-4 - 2002-1-4T07:05', inst='mdi') ;
;search MDI data in a time period between 2002-1-4 and 2002-1-4T07:05
IDL> a = vso_search(date='2004/1/4T07:40-2004/1/4T07:45', inst='trace')
; search TRACE data in a time period - use a different formate for time string
IDL> a = vso_search('2004/1/1','2004/12/31', wave='171', inst='eit')
; search EIT 171 Angstrom data
IDL> a = vso_search('2004/1/1','2004/12/31', wave='171-304', inst='eit')
; search EIT data within 171-304 Angstrom waveband
IDL> a = vso_search('2010-06-10', '2010-06-10 00:05', wave='193', inst='aia', pixels=1024)
; search AIA 193 Angstrom data with pixel size 1024IDL> a = vso_search('2010-06-10', '2010-06-11', inst='hmi', sample=3600)
; Full size AIA data is 4096 pixels
; due to very high time-resolution, search will return large number of entries even in a day period. In above example, use SAMPLE flag (unit: second) to reduce number of hits (ie. lower time-resolution) - 3600 means 1 hour cadence.
IDL> print_struct, a
; print infomation of return entries
IDL> print_struct, a.time
; only print start & end time of return entries
IDL> vso_get, a ; attempt to download products
; to download actual data files from the search
Another way to download data files:
IDL> a = vso_search('2010-JUN-01', instrument='AIA', wave='193', sample=3600, /url)
; generate downloading URLs and put it into the return structure 'a'
IDL> sock_copy, a.url
;use sock_copy to download data files (into current directory)
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